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Thursday, July 14, 2011

I have too many ideas!

Thanks to everyone who has taken a business card (or 3 or 12) and seemed so excited about my business. I have so many ideas rolling around in my head I'm worried I won't be able to make them fast enough. On the flip side, I've never made things with no one in mind. It helps the inspiration to have a specific person in mind and know how much they're gonna love the gift. I guess I have to change my train of thought a little and just make things from the heart. I have material for at least 5 blankets but need to finish a few smaller things first. On a side note, I also want to offer instruction to anyone interested in learning how to knit, crochet or quilt. I am willing to drive up to an hour away from Chattanooga, and for those in KY who are interested, I will be there in August and September. If any of my KY friends are interested, please let me know before I come so I can bring enough stuff. This is a brand new adventure for me, hopefully one that will be fulfilling in many ways.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Got my business cards!!

I finally got my business cards in the mail today. Now I can start spreading the news of my new business faster. I am excited about new business and hope that I don't get overwhelmed. Also I'm adding a few hats to my available for purchase album. Click the link for my pictures to see them. I have some great ideas for new quilts. One is almost finished so I'll be starting on new ones this weekend!!