Attention Facebookers!
Please check out my page on Facebook.
Like it while you're there!!
Friday, November 25, 2011
New Items
I have just finished three fleece blankets, all 1 yard each. They are $40 each and can be a Christmas gift for someone you love. Hurry - they're gonna go fast!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Long time no blog!
It looks like my last blog was the middle of September. I've been working on orders and haven't been able to make anything to add to my 'available' album. But I am writing down all my ideas so when I do get time I will have many things to make.
In case you didn't realize, Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away. I know! It has snuck up on me. So I am giving an official deadline for placing an order for CHRISTmas - November 30. As long as you email or call with an order you will have it for CHRISTmas. I still have the two turning 20 quilts available for purchase. And remember I don't charge shipping to send your creations through the postal service. If you're close enough to Chattanooga I will deliver it to you.
To everyone who has already placed an order, THANK YOU!! My business hasn't gotten huge but it is moving right along. But the most special thank you goes to Susan. You have been an inspiration to me in more ways than you know.
Well, off to work on orders again! Love you all and God Bless!!
In case you didn't realize, Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away. I know! It has snuck up on me. So I am giving an official deadline for placing an order for CHRISTmas - November 30. As long as you email or call with an order you will have it for CHRISTmas. I still have the two turning 20 quilts available for purchase. And remember I don't charge shipping to send your creations through the postal service. If you're close enough to Chattanooga I will deliver it to you.
To everyone who has already placed an order, THANK YOU!! My business hasn't gotten huge but it is moving right along. But the most special thank you goes to Susan. You have been an inspiration to me in more ways than you know.
Well, off to work on orders again! Love you all and God Bless!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Another quilt finished!
I just finished the other Turning 20 I started on Sunday. Click the link for my pictures to see it and everything I have ready for purchase. I am working daily to add to my stock of available items. Of course, if you see something you like in my past creations, it can be re-created in the original colors or different ones. Remember, Christmas is only 14 weeks away and now is the time to order that perfect handmade gift! Be sure to look at my facebook page too :)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
New quilt size
Here is a new quilt size. I really like this pattern - it's called Turning 20. On the regular pattern, 20 fat quarters are used. Each one is cut into 4 pieces - 1 is set aside for the border and the other three are mixed up and sewn back together. This one I wanted a little smaller than the regular twin size. I used 12 fat quarters and no border. This size is 62" x 46". I don't know what to call it though. It is bigger than a lap but smaller than a twin. What comes between those? Rocking chair size? Loveseat size? Chaise lounger size? I'm still working on it. So this is available for purchase, $150. Remember there is no shipping and this would make a great Christmas gift! I have another one I'm starting today.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Another quilt finished
After making a trip around the world quilt for my goddaughter Fallin, I decided to use the same fabrics to make one for myself. She didn't want any floral prints or animal prints and just black & white. That made it a little difficult to find 7 or 8 different fabrics for the quilt. I had to go to several stores but did find everything we wanted. Several fabrics were polks dots, which I love, so that made my decision to make one for me (oh, and the fact that I love that girl!!).
Shortly after that I heard from a friend in Texas who would be involved in an auction this month. She lost a daughter to spinal muscular atrophy about 5 years ago and is still fighting to find a cure. I volunteered my black & white quilt for the auction. I finally finished it this weekend, and will be sending it to her tomorrow. I picked out more polka dots for the backing, yellow background with multi-colored dots. I love it!!! I hope whoever wins it will love it as much as I do and as much as Fallin loves hers. Here's a picture of it:
This is a lap size, 56" x 42" and the regular price for this size is $125. I can make these in all colors and prints and it is one of my favorite styles.
For anyone who is interested in the auction, you can go to Kelly's blog at www.TexasSMAAuction.blogspot.c om and see all that has been donated and bid on anything.
Shortly after that I heard from a friend in Texas who would be involved in an auction this month. She lost a daughter to spinal muscular atrophy about 5 years ago and is still fighting to find a cure. I volunteered my black & white quilt for the auction. I finally finished it this weekend, and will be sending it to her tomorrow. I picked out more polka dots for the backing, yellow background with multi-colored dots. I love it!!! I hope whoever wins it will love it as much as I do and as much as Fallin loves hers. Here's a picture of it:
This is a lap size, 56" x 42" and the regular price for this size is $125. I can make these in all colors and prints and it is one of my favorite styles.
For anyone who is interested in the auction, you can go to Kelly's blog at www.TexasSMAAuction.blogspot.c
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Baby blanket
I started this blanket back in July, but assumed I had enough yellow to finish. Never assume you have enough because of course I didn't. I looked at Wal-Mart and JoAnn's with no luck. They didn't even have the brand I had been using! So I went online to JoAnn's and found it. It was gonna be a little more expensive than buying it at the store, but I needed it. When I went to order it, the shipping was $6! So almost $10 to order this skein from the internet. I bought another yellow, but the color wasn't even close. I was in Frankfort earlier this month and went with Mom & Dad to the Senior center. They have a craft room and sell fabric, yarn, thread, etc. so I started shopping. Would you believe that I found the exact yellow I needed?!? How cool is that!! So now the blanket is finished and ready to be shipped. It is yellow & purple with a yellow & white border. It is 27" square and costs $40-no shipping. Message me soon-I don't think this adorable blanket will last!!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
I love this...
I thought this would be overwhelming, but I find myself more and more excited every day. I am grateful to everyone who has placed an order and hope that you are loving your special creations. I have gotten some interest in classes, but none have started yet. I will be charging $15 per hour for classes in knit, crochet, or quilt. I am willing to drive an hour around the Chattanooga area. For my friends & family in KY, I will be there Aug 15-18 for whoever is interested. And as always I will be there for Christmas. I have learned a new scarf pattern and have one available for purchase. It is officially call a loopy scarf, but I like to call it a floopy scarf. The price is $20 and it can be made with any colors or types of yarn. Let me know what you think!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I have too many ideas!
Thanks to everyone who has taken a business card (or 3 or 12) and seemed so excited about my business. I have so many ideas rolling around in my head I'm worried I won't be able to make them fast enough. On the flip side, I've never made things with no one in mind. It helps the inspiration to have a specific person in mind and know how much they're gonna love the gift. I guess I have to change my train of thought a little and just make things from the heart. I have material for at least 5 blankets but need to finish a few smaller things first. On a side note, I also want to offer instruction to anyone interested in learning how to knit, crochet or quilt. I am willing to drive up to an hour away from Chattanooga, and for those in KY who are interested, I will be there in August and September. If any of my KY friends are interested, please let me know before I come so I can bring enough stuff. This is a brand new adventure for me, hopefully one that will be fulfilling in many ways.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Got my business cards!!
I finally got my business cards in the mail today. Now I can start spreading the news of my new business faster. I am excited about new business and hope that I don't get overwhelmed. Also I'm adding a few hats to my available for purchase album. Click the link for my pictures to see them. I have some great ideas for new quilts. One is almost finished so I'll be starting on new ones this weekend!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Why didn't I do this sooner?!?
I have found this to be so easy! I thought this would be hard to do. The only trouble I've had was a slow connection out here in the woods. I have connected my blog to some pictures in Picasa. There are past creations, which can be re-created if wanted, and some available for purchase. I will be adding prices and more detailed descriptions over the next several days. I am also working on new projects to add to the available album. Please share this with your loved ones. Now, people who aren't on facebook (they're out there I just know it) can have access to my new business. 'Occupation-housewife' here I come!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
My first blog!
So I have been trying to find a (cheap) way to advertise my new business. I have a facebook page but not everyone is on facebook. Then I found a site to make a free website. I added several of my pictures, only to find out there is a limit on how many pics I could post without paying any money. Then I looked into Etsy-that costs money too! Until this business gets off the ground I have to find the free ways to advertise. And here we are. I love to make blankets and scarves and hats and other things for other people. My birthmother Susan taught me how to knit, crochet, and quilt and I absolutely love it! I make more things for others than I do myself. It gives me more joy to think about how much someone is going to enjoy what I'm making. I have several things I have already made and given away and a few things that are made and available for purchase. I do not charge any shipping unless it is out of the country. If you want something similiar to a previous creation, please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery, depending on what item you want. If you want something already made, it can be in your hands in days. Please email me with any orders, questions, comments, or you can post here. Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my blog!
1 yard fleece throw available now $40 |
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